Saturday, January 26, 2019

Moving Day Part 3

Have you ever copied some text and images (photos) from one source to another expecting everything to transfer without issue only to discover the images didn't quite make the transition?

That's what happened when I imported my WordPress blog content into Blogger. Instead of bringing the images along, the post links back to the images on WordPress.

I noticed something was amiss when I tried to use the icons to change the justification of the image. When that wasn't working, I dived into the HTML side to discover the A HREF code linking to my WordPress blog.

This means I have two problems:
  • Changing features of the image requires coding
  • The image will disappear if I quit paying for my WordPress blog
Thus, I was looking for a way to import the images. I was able to download my Media Content from WordPress as a TAR file, but so far that file hasn't proven useful. Fortunately, I have a folder where I 'dump' most of the images I use in the blog. I was able to upload those images into Blogger. 

Unfortunately, that means that I have to delete the link for each image from the blog post and insert the image.

In the process of trying to 'automate' this process, I learned that the images used in Blogger posts are stored in a separate folder on my Google Album Archive. Within this album archive are folders for Google+ posts, Profile Photos and Photos from Blogger.

Now that I know where my photos are stored, I can delete all those images that got uploaded when I was playing around with my site design.

Chronicle of my journey moving my WordPress blog to Blogger

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