Showing posts with label Fayette County. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fayette County. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Todd to Crawford Deed Fayette County Kentucky

Fayette County, Kentucky County Court, Deed Book B, 1786-1807
FS Film 1490705 item 3 DGS 8201383
Image 481 - Index C
Crawford Jas Todd [?] D 57

Image 532 - Deed on page 57 - 14 March 1780 Levi Todd and Jane his wife to James Crawford

Page 57

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Same Name Issue with Ancestry Hints

Is something causing Ancestry's hinting system to merge people of the same name?

I'm in the process of trying to disprove several Crawford men as the father of my James Crawford of Preble County, Ohio. Today, I'm trying to work on Rev. James Crawford (1752/3 to 1803) of Fayette County, Kentucky. I've found James Crawford [LZN5-SCD] in some of the Fayette County, KY records on Family Search. However, I have yet to find anything that would link James to his children. Thus, I decided to see if the Ancestry tree hints would help.

I've had Rev. James Crawford along with several other Crawford families from early Kentucky in my tree for quite some time. Thus, I expected to find legitimate hints. Instead, I found a lot of hints for other James Crawfords, whom I also have in my tree. At first, I just assumed that other researchers had confused some of these Crawford families in their trees. However, when I looked at the hints for Ancestor Member trees, I realized that I was ONLY seeing member trees for a DIFFERENT James Crawford.