Forty-six years
At the age of twenty, I was not looking forty-six years into my future. But it was forty-six years ago this Valentine's Day that I said yes - to Michael Philbrick.Our engagement was announced a year later - forty-five years ago.
Miss Marcia Crawford
whose engagement to Mr. Mi-
chael Dean Philbrick has been
announced by her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Eugene Crawford,
2314 West Twenty-first Ave.
Miss Crawford is a snior stu-
dent at Kansas Stte Teachers
College, where she is major-
ing in chemistry and is a mem-
ber of Delta Zeta social sorori-
ety. She is the granddaughter
of Mrs. E. O. Briles, 609 West
Fifth Ave. Mr. Philbrick, the
son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald
Philbrick of Phillipsburg, also
is a senior student at KSTC.
He is majoring in physical sci-