Do you think of your genealogy research as a tree or a database? I realize many people fall into the 'tree' group, but I am in the 'database' group.
Because I think of my data as a database, I want computer software to manage that data versus only using an online tree. I use RootsMagic to manage my database. You might say, 'but that's family tree software' and I would say you are correct. RootsMagic is great software to manage family tree based research.
However, I don't just research my tree, I research their FAN club (Friends Associates and Neighbors) as well as potential lines. And all of this research ultimately ends up in my RootsMagic file. Since this is one fairly large database, I have to have a way to visually keep track of the various lines in my research.
That's where the color coding feature in RootsMagic comes in handy. I started by assigning different colors to various lines of my research.
Besides assigning a color to ancestors along a line, I've also assigned that same color to the descendants on that line. (Note: Living descendants are colored LIME so that I can quickly identify living people.)