Showing posts with label transcription. Show all posts
Showing posts with label transcription. Show all posts

Monday, February 4, 2019

Crawford Land Patent

I recently found the land records for John Crawford of Lincoln County, Kentucky. He owned 913 acres of land on Hanging Fork of Dick's River.

Land-Office Treasury Warrant, No. 2690

To the principal Surveyor of any County within the Commonwealth of Virginia
This shall be your WARRANT to survey and lay off
in one or more surveys, for John Crawford
his heirs and assigns the Quantity of One thousand
acres of land, due unto the said John Crawford in
right of pre-emption as a certificate form the Supreme Court of the
Kentucky District
In consideration of the sum of five pounds thirteen shillings
current money paid into the Public Treasury the
payment whereof the Treasurer hath been duly certified by the Auditors of public
accounts, and their certificate received into the Land-Office.
Given under my hand, and the seal of the said office, this 29th
day of September in the year one thousand seven hundred and 86.

Samuel M Craw Clk
John Harvie Be S O N