Is Edward Crawford of Overton, Tennessee a brother to James Crawford of Preble County, Ohio? Is he the same Edward Crawford shown in the 1896 tax list for Garrard County, KY. To answer either of these questions, I need to learn more about Edward Crawford of Overton County, Tennessee. Since I'm looking for a source tying two locations together, I'm starting with deeds.
Edward Crawford of Overton County, Tennessee purchased land in 1807 from Thomas Dillen.
Overton County, Tennessee
Deeds, V. A-C 1801-1813
FamilySearch Film 981131 DGS 7903546
Crawford Edward (grantee) from Thomas Dillon Book B page 13
In Column: Original Book B page 14 &c
Thomas Dillen
To Deed 300 acres on
waters of Obed’s river
Edward Crawford