Friday, May 24, 2019

Thomas Crawford Deed

Jefferson County, Indiana

Deed record v. B. (corrected version) cont. Aug. 1817-Aug. 1820
FS Film 1310266 DGS 8059611

Book B page 105

Top of deed very faded

Deed signed by
Thomas Crawford
Jane Crawford

Possibly dated 14 Oct 1819

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Crawford to Hudson Deed

Jefferson County, Indiana

Deed record v. B (corrected verson) cont. Aug. 1817-Aug. 1820
FS Film 1310266 DGS 8059611

Book B page 11 (image 9)

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Crawford to Hudson Deed

Jefferson County, Indiana

Deed record v. B (corrected version cont. Aug. 1817-Aug. 1820
FS Film 1310266 DGS 8059611

Deed Book B page 9

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Crawford to Vawter Deed

Jefferson County Indiana

Deed record V. A (corrected version) Mar. 1812-Aug. 1817
FS Film 1310264 DGS 8059609

Book A page 152

Monday, May 20, 2019

100 Years Ago

Your mission, should you decide to accept it (cue the Mission Impossible! music) is to:

1)  Determine where your ancestral families were on 18 May 1919 - 100 years ago.

2)  List them, their family members, their birth years, and their residence location (as close as possible).  Do you have a photograph of their residence from about that time, and does the residence still exist?

My Grandparents

  • Leon Crawford was living with his parents at 504 Ave G in Dodge City
  • Winnie Letha Currey was likely living with her sister, Myrtle. Winnie traveled from Kansas City to Dodge City in 1918 to help Myrtle with the birth of her first child, Dorothy. Winnie and Leon were married on Christmas Eve in 1919 at Myrtle's house.
  • Edward O. Briles and his wife Pauline (Mentzer) Briles were likely living in Woodson County in 1919. Edward's World War I draft card indicated they were living in Everett Township, Woodson County in June of 1917. By 1920, they had moved to Allen County.

Friday, May 17, 2019

How Many DNA ThruLines

Recently, Randy Seaver posted about the number of DNA ThruLines he had for each ancestor. Curious, I decided to check out my own ThruLines to see how many I have for each ancestor.

How Many DNA ThruLines do I have for each ancestor?


  • Leon Russel Crawford / Winnie Letha Currey - 2
  • Edward Osmond Briles / Pauline Edith Mentzer - 7