Monday, October 3, 2016

Hey 'Cuz' - Where's Your Tree?

Have you had your DNA tested? Do you have a family tree linked to your DNA test?

If not, please, please, please post a tree!

Over half of the 4th-6th cousin matches on my first page of matches either don't have a tree or have a very small (<10 people) tree. Thus, I can't begin to figure out how we are related.

I would love to work with you to research our common ancestor -- so please post a tree

Monday, September 5, 2016

Shaky Leaf Progress

They're Gone
(At least on the surface)

Even though I already had many of these in my RootsMagic database, I elected to tackle these leaves. Some might ask why I am spending so much time on this versus locating new information. As I was doing this I found that I could
  • double-check my data (i.e. a Go Over)
  • convert my citations from the format I used in Master Genealogist to current standards
  • add images to the citations
Besides updating my data, I found that several of these 'shaky leaves' actually led to sources that I didn't realize existed. 

Unfortunately, I probably have quite a few more shaky leaves to tackle since I have descendants for at least a generation or two for each of my ancestors. Thus, there are a lot of people waiting for me to look at their screen and confirm or ignore each 'shaky leaf'.

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Don't Be Deceived

There's a picture floating around Facebook that is labeled as Stull, Kansas showing damage from this morning's earthquake.

According to comments on FB, this is not a picture from Stull, Kansas since the community is too small to have the buildings and roadways in the picture. A quick Wikipedia search verifies that Stull is indeed a very small community.

Just remember -- not everything is true! 
Check it out thru valid sources!

Earthquake -- Panning for Gold in the World of Information

Did you feel it?

That is the question of the morning across Kansas as a 5.6 magnitude earthquake struck in Northern Oklahoma. The event happened shortly after 7 am and social media became the quick source for the answer to the question -- did I actually feel an earthquake. The hashtag #earthquake is still in the top trending spot on Twitter over two hours later.

Even though I love Twitter for quick information, I know that I have to sift thru the tweets to find the facts. This is like 'panning for gold'. One has to evaluate the source behind the tweet to pull out those golden nuggets of truth.

For me, I tend to pay attention to the news reports from the area of the event versus national news. I prefer reports that are based on interviews or eye witness accounts. Thus, I gravitate to the local news outlets to see their reports. Since these reports incorporate personal experiences -- i.e. primary information -- they are the GOLD.

Another example of GOLD (primary information) is all of those 'I felt the house shake' tweets and Facebook posts. The person behind the tweet or post experienced the earthquake and is sharing their experience. Besides sharing on social media, we can each report our experience on the DID YOU FEEL IT site.

By reporting our personal experiences on this site, we participate in 'crowdsourcing'. The data collected by the Did You Feel It site will help scientists in the study of earthquakes. The map from this morning shows how widely this earthquake was felt.

All of these personal accounts are small nuggets that help define the larger story. However, I also want some large nuggets of Gold. Thus, I tend to go to the 'experts' in the field. In terms of an earthquake, that is the USGS (United States Geological Survey).

By going to the experts, I can locate the official reports. In terms of an earthquake these reports tell us when, where and how strong the earthquake was.

As a genealogist, I apply these same skills when looking for data to build my family tree.
  • Personal experiences in letters, diaries 
  • Reports of personal or family experiences in newspapers
  • 'Experts' that attain and hold official records -- i.e. -- courthouses for deeds, wills, and vital records
Panning for genealogical gold takes time but even small nuggets of gold can help add another leaf to the family tree.

Friday, September 2, 2016

Icing on the Cake

I received an email from Ancestry today concerning a DNA match on my CURREY line.

For several of my branches, I haven't been able to find direct evidence of a lineage. Instead, I've had to accumulate enough indirect evidence to convince others that I have the relationships in a family line correct. For my CURREY line, this has been the case.

I'm working with FOUR generations of Hiram M. Curreys, starting with my great-grandfather Hiram Miles Currey (1866-1943) and going back potentially to the 1820 treasurer of the state of Ohio, Hiram Mirick Currey (potentially my 4th great-grandfather).

When I tested my DNA a year ago, I had high hopes of matching a known descendant of Hiram Mirick CURREY. Today, I now have a 16.5 centimorgan match with a sixth cousin one generation removed.

Now it is time to learn to write a proof argument!

Friday, August 26, 2016

Crawford Cluster Spreadsheet (Part 2)


I've managed to combine event data from SIX different lines:
  • James Crawford and Sally Smith Duggins (mine - names in blue)
  • James Crawford and Martha Knight (Knight - names in green)
  • James Crawford and Rebecca Anderson (Anderson - names in brown)
  • Alexander Crawford and Mary McPheeters (McPheeters - names in red)
  • William N. Crawford (WilliamN - names in purple)
  • Nathaniel Sellers (Sellers - names in dark yellow)
Besides color coding the names, I color coded the four major counties for my branch:
  • Garrard County, Kentucky -- shaded with lime green
  • Preble County, Ohio -- shaded with yellow
  • Warren County, Indiana -- shaded with bright blue
  • Ford County, Kansas -- shaded with orange 
 Recent DNA tests are shedding more light on potential connections:
  • yDNA indicates probably relationship to William N. Crawford 
  • yDNA indicates my Crawford line may connect to the McPheeters line somehow
  • a Sellers researcher believes I share DNA with SELLERS descendants (using gedmatch)
  • Some Ancestry matches have SELLERS family in their trees
  • Some Ancestry matches have Anderson / Vawter families in their trees
  • So far DNA does not support relationship between two James Crawfords of Preble County, Ohio 
So what have I learned?
  • There's more overlap than I realized. Because of the DUGGINS/SELLERS marriage, I knew there was a connection with my James Crawford (step-son). However, I didn't remember the connections with the James/Martha line.
  • I evidently got a lot of marriage info from the IGI or similar source and need to get better documentation.
  • The James Crawford / Rebecca Anderson line needs further research because of the Garrard County, Kentucky connection along with potential DNA connections.
 The spreadsheet is shared for viewing on Google Drive.