Have you ever encountered some random information in a Facebook post that led you to look for additional records? That was my experience recently when someone posted in the Families of Garrard County, Kentucky group about the Sellers-Kennedy riot.
Since my Crawford family left Garrard County before 1820, I haven't paid much attention to the history of the county after that. One of the Crawford lines I'm tracking from the Garrard County area had two daughters marry into the Sellers family. (William Sellers married Sarah Crawford and James Sellers married Mary Crawford) These particular Sellers families also moved out of the county.
At this point, I don't know how the Sellers of the 1873 riot connect to the Sellers family of the 1790s but I'm guessing they do connect.
One of the comments on the post mentioned the search for Sellers deeds. When I looked back at my research, I realized I did not have the deed for the sale of land. Since those records are easily accessible on FamilySearch, I located that deed today.
At first glance, this deed may be for land that belonged to James Sellers and Mary Crawford.