For some reason, I did not get copies of these deeds -- and I need the actual deeds to track the land and separate the two men. Yesterday, I learned that my local library (Seneca Free Public Library) was an affiliate library. [HAPPY DANCE!] That meant that I could get copies of the deeds without having to travel to a family history center or another affiliate library.
So, I now have 22 Thompson deeds from Warrick County, Indiana to work with. From previous work with deeds, I learned that the wife's name is likely to appear on a deed where the land is sold. Since I believe the wives of these two men have different names, I'm hoping to use the sale of land to figure out who lived where.
Since my ancestor, John Thompson, married Sarah Iglehart, I'm looking for a wife named Sarah. Below is an image of the deed where John and Sarah Thompson sell land.
Warrick County Indiana
Deed Book 9 page 240-241
Deed Book 9 page 240-241
John Thompson and Sarah Thompson his wife to Samuel C Bradford
19 Jun 1850
19 Jun 1850
This indenture made this the nineteenth day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty between John Thompson and Sarah Thompson his wife of the County of Wapello in State of Iowa [Apct] first part and Samuel C Bradford of the County of Warrick and state of Indiana of the second part witnesseth that said party of the first part for and in consideration of the sum of fifteen hundred dollars paid to the said party of the first part by the party of the second part in hand paid the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged have granted bargained and sold and by these presents do grant bargain sell convey and confirm unto the said party of the second part his heirs and assigns forever all the following described pieces or parcel of land to with the West half of section no twenty five (25) and also the north west quarter of the south east quarter of section no twenty three all in township no five (5) South of Range No nine (9) west lying and being in the county of Warrick in the state of Indiana containing by estimate three hundred and sixty acres be the same more or less together with all the rights privileges and appertenances thereunto belonging to have and to hold the above described premises with all the improvements and appurtenances to the same belonging to the said party of the second part his heirs and assigns forever and the said party of the first part for themselves and their heirs do hereby covenant with the said party of the second part and his heirs that they are lawfully seized in fee of the premises aforesaid that the premises are free and clear from all incumbrances whatsoever and that they will forever warrant and defend the same and the quiet and peaceable possession thereof together with the appertenances to the same & belonging unto the same Samuel C. Bradford his heirs and assigns against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever in witness whereof the said John Thompson and Sarah Thompson his wife who hereby relinquish her right of dower to the above described premises has hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written.
John Thompson (seal
Sarah (her mark) Thompson (seal)
John Thompson (seal
Sarah (her mark) Thompson (seal)
In presence of
[no signatures]
[no signatures]
State of Indiana
Warrick County SS
I J Wart B Moore Recorder in and for said county do hereby certify that the above named John Thompson came personally before me and acknowledge the foregoing instrument of writing to be his voluntary act and deed for the purpose therein mentioned. Also Sarah Thompson above named wife of the said John Thompson who being by me examined privately separate and apart from and with the hearing of her said husband and the full contents and [pinpost] of the said deed being by me made known to her she acknowledge that she voluntarily executed the same of her own free will and account and without any coercion or compulsion from her said husband. In witness of which I hereunto set my hand and seal at Boonville this nineteenth day of June AD 1850.
J. Wart B. Moore RWC (seal
By Isaac S Moore deputy
Warrick County SS
I J Wart B Moore Recorder in and for said county do hereby certify that the above named John Thompson came personally before me and acknowledge the foregoing instrument of writing to be his voluntary act and deed for the purpose therein mentioned. Also Sarah Thompson above named wife of the said John Thompson who being by me examined privately separate and apart from and with the hearing of her said husband and the full contents and [pinpost] of the said deed being by me made known to her she acknowledge that she voluntarily executed the same of her own free will and account and without any coercion or compulsion from her said husband. In witness of which I hereunto set my hand and seal at Boonville this nineteenth day of June AD 1850.
J. Wart B. Moore RWC (seal
By Isaac S Moore deputy
There are also deeds where a John Thompson and wife Eliza sell land.
Warrick County Indiana
Deed Book 4 page 37
Deed Book 4 page 37
1 April 1840
John Thompson and Eliza Thompson his wife to Eddy Brown
John Thompson and Eliza Thompson his wife to Eddy Brown
This indenture made and entered in to this first day of April one thousand eight hundred and forty between John Thompson and Eliza Thompson his wife of the one part and Eddy Brown of the other part both of the State of Indiana and the county of Warrick and Spencer witnesseth that the parties of the first part for and in consideration of the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars to them paid in hand the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged that the parties of the first part has bargained sold and conveyed unto the said Eddy Brown his heirs and assigns all the tract and lot of land designated by the following nombers to wit the North west quarter of North East quarter of section no. Twelve in township four South of Range No. Six west containing 40 acres being and situate in the County of Warrick to have and to hold the same with all the appertenances belonging thereunto to the only proper use and benefit of the said Eddy Brown his heirs or assigns forever and the parties of the first part doth covenant and agree with the said Eddy Brown that they are lawfully seized in fee simple and that they have a lawful right to convey the same and that the premises are free from all incumbrances and the parties of the first part their heirs or assigns doth warrant and defend the same unto Eddy Brown his heirs or assigns from all claims that may come through them or their heirs forever in witness whereof the parties of the first
Continued on page 38
Part have hereunto set or caused to set their hands and seals the day and date above written
John Thompson (seal)
Eliza (her mark) Thompson (seal
George P Hall
John Scales
Eliza (her mark) Thompson (seal
George P Hall
John Scales
The State of Indiana
Warrick County
I James Asheley a justice of the peace in and for sd county do certify that John Thompson and Eliza Thompson his wife personaly apeared before me and the contents of the written and foregoing indenture made known to the wife and her examined separate and apart from her sd husband and she did acknowledge the with to be her voluntary act and deed for the purpose therein mentioned and desired that the same might be recorded as such. In testimony whereof I do hereunto set my hand and seal this the 10 day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty.
James Ashley JP
Warrick County
I James Asheley a justice of the peace in and for sd county do certify that John Thompson and Eliza Thompson his wife personaly apeared before me and the contents of the written and foregoing indenture made known to the wife and her examined separate and apart from her sd husband and she did acknowledge the with to be her voluntary act and deed for the purpose therein mentioned and desired that the same might be recorded as such. In testimony whereof I do hereunto set my hand and seal this the 10 day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty.
James Ashley JP
Now that I have two different land descriptions associated with two different wives, I can track the land descriptions and begin separating the deeds for these two men.
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