Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Hijacked - Same Name Issues

In your genealogical research, have you researched people of the same name? Have you found it challenging to separate those individuals of the same name? I know that in my research, I have encountered a lot of 'same names'.

This experience has helped me look at my current research and question whether I'm working with records for the same person. Yesterday while working Ancestry hints for William Crawford, son of the William Crawford who was in Madison County Kentucky prior to 1800,

Since I didn't have much information on the son, William, I wasn't sure the will was for the correct William. Thus, I wanted to see whether the family in the will matched what other researchers had for William Crawford. So, I turned to the tree on FamilySearch.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

William Crawford Will

Arkansas Wills and Probate Records, 1818-1998

Image 124
Page 103

William Crawford's Will

Pope County State of Arkansas

Feb 8th 1855

Monday, August 26, 2019

Edward Crawford Deed

Is Edward Crawford of Overton, Tennessee a brother to James Crawford of Preble County, Ohio? Is he the same Edward Crawford shown in the 1896 tax list for Garrard County, KY. To answer either of these questions, I need to learn more about Edward Crawford of Overton County, Tennessee. Since I'm looking for a source tying two locations together, I'm starting with deeds.

Edward Crawford of Overton County, Tennessee purchased land in 1807 from Thomas Dillen.

Overton County, Tennessee

Deeds, V. A-C 1801-1813
FamilySearch Film 981131 DGS 7903546

Crawford Edward (grantee) from Thomas Dillon Book B page 13

In Column: Original Book B page 14 &c

Thomas Dillen
To Deed 300 acres on
waters of Obed’s river
Edward Crawford

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Revisiting Tax Lists

Do you ever find yourself retracing your research steps because you learn about a new family connection? Yep, that's me. I'm going back thru the early tax lists for Madison County, KY.

I wrote about my journey with suspected CRAWFORD family members in my January 2019 post, Tax Man Cometh. At the time, I mentioned finding Edward Crawford in a different taxing district from the other Crawfords. I didn't pursue Edward for several reasons. Since he wasn't shown as a land owner, I wouldn't find any deeds for him. I also didn't have any information tying Edward to any of the other Crawfords in those early tax records.

Now, I have yDNA evidence showing a relationship to Edward Crawford of Overton, Tennessee. From what I've been able to learn about this Edward Crawford, his birthplace is thought to be Pennsylvania or Virginia.

I have NO evidence that the Edward Crawford in the Madison County tax lists is the same Edward Crawford who died in Overton County, Tennessee. I also currently have NO evidence that they are not the same person.

Thus, I'm going to revisit the tax lists to see if I can learn anything more about the Edward Crawford of Madison County, Kentucky.

As mentioned in my previous post, I found several Crawfords listed in these Madison County, KY tax lists.
  • Mary Crawford (found 1787-1792)
  • James Crawford (found 1787-1796)
  • William Crawford (found (1787-1796)
  • James Crawford - appears in 1792
  • Alexander Crawford - appears in 1792
  • John Crawford - appears in 1795
  • William Crawford Jr - appears in 1795
  • Edward Crawford -- appears in 1795 -  under a different commissioner's list
Edward is the only Crawford who appears on the 1797 tax list. Edward is also listed on the 1799 tax list but has not been found after that date.

Since the first wife of Edward Crawford of Overton, TN was named Mary Gentry, I also looked for any GENTRY families on these Madison County, KY tax lists. I found several GENTRY families with most owning land. 

Madison County, Kentucky 
Tax Books, 1787-1874

Tax books 1787-1797, 1799-1807
Film 8126
DGS 7834478

Image 206
Madison County 1795
Image 210 
Crawford James - 1 male >21; 5 horses; 17 cattle; 146 acres
Image 211
Crawford John - 1 male > 21, 2 horses, 6 cattle
Crawford William Jr - 1 male > 21; 2 horses; 6 cattle
Crawford William Sr - 1 male > 21; 1 male 16-21; 12 horses; 28 cattle; 180 acres

Image 212
Duggins, William - 1 male > 21; 2 horses; 8 cattle
Duggins, Daniel - 1 male >21

Image 218
Moore Alexander - 1 male >21; 3 horses; 3 cattle
Image 218, 219, 220 - No William McClure, George Miller or Nancy Miller

Image 257
Crawford Edward - 1 male >21, 2 horses; 3 cattle

Image 258 - 1795
May 13 Gentry, Richard - 1 male > 21 - 0 male > 16 - 6 total blacks - 2 blacks under 16 - 5 horses - 40 cattle
Gentry, Robert - 1 male > 21, 2 total blacks - 1 black > 16 - 3 horses - 35 cattle
Gentry, David - 1 male > 21, 4 horses - 14 cattle

Friday, August 23, 2019

Left Turn

Have you ever come across a new piece of information that sends your genealogy research in a totally different direction? I'm sure you have as most of us encounter this from time to time.

Yesterday, I received such a piece of information. This wasn't a document but a DNA result - a yDNA result. Apparently, my Crawford line is its own branch with my closest Crawford match being a descendant of Edward Crawford of Overton, Tennessee.

So, one of my new goals is to try and determine how this Edward Crawford might fit in with all of my James Crawford research. With only five Edwards in my database it is a relatively unusual name. Unfortunately, Alexander and Mary (McPheeters) Crawford had a son named Edward. Thus, there will be confusion in online trees as to the parents of Edward.

In looking back thru my Kentucky research notes, I do have some data placing an Edward Crawford in Madison County, Kentucky during the time period of my James Crawford research.

In 1795, Edward Crawford was listed on the tax records for Madison County, Kentucky as a male over 21 with 2 horses and 3 cattle. 

Thursday, August 22, 2019


I just watched Blaine Bettinger's video, Sub-Clustering Shared Matches. As I was following the video, I was also trying to do this with my brother's DNA matches.

The match I started with is listed on my match page as a second cousin. In reality, she is a first cousin once removed. Our common ancestors are Judson Crawford and Josie Hammond.

Her shared match list contained 157 matches. I marked them all with a yellow dot labeled: ICW EB.