Saturday, March 23, 2019

Washington Crawford Affidavit

Affidavit from Washington Marion Crawford's Pension File

State of Indiana Warren County SS

Before me the undersigned authority personally appeared Washington M Crawford who being by me first duly sworn says

 my age is 46 years.

Friday, March 22, 2019

Suit Against George Douglass

Lincoln County Kentucky
Court Order Books 1781-1919

Vols. 2 1785-1786
FS Film 192253 - DGS 7763893
A suit against George Douglass for ejectment was discontinued.

Image 339

June Court 1785

Thursday, March 21, 2019

John Crawford on Jury

Lincoln County Kentucky
Court Order Books 1781-1919

Vols. 2 1785-1786
FS Film 192253 - DGS 7763893

John Crawford served on a jury during the February 1785 Court in Lincoln County, Kentucky.

Image 325

February Court 1785

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

1785 Kentucky Court

Lincoln County Kentucky
Court Order Books 1781-1919

Vols. 2 1785-1786
FS Film 192253 - DGS 7763893

William Crawford served on a jury in the Lincoln County, Court during the February 1785 term.

Image 321

February Court 1785
John Seekright of the Demise of John Parks
[?ale] an Infant by his
Guardians John Cowan
and Joseph Davis Plt
John Kincaid
In Ejectment for one
[messuage] one tenement
and 1000 acres of land
Situate in the County
of Lincoln and Parish
of Kentucky

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

DNA Common Ancestor

Have you used the new Ancestry DNA match filters? Thanks to these new filters, I've been looking at my NEW matches who may share a common ancestor with me.

In the past, I would click on the match's tree to see if I could figure out how we connected. When the match's tree only has a few people, that becomes a challenge. Today, I tried clicking on the shaky leaf and discovered that Ancestry is doing some of the work for me.

Clicking on that shaky leaf opens a screen comparing our DNA that also suggests a common ancestor. This suggested common ancestor is based on shared matches.

At this point, this is just a clue. However, it is a clue that helps focus research to figure out how we are connected. 

Since I have added descendants for many of my lines, I can sometimes figure out how we might connect. In this case, I haven't done enough forward research to have a clue how our lines connect. Either way, I can message the match with a link to that section of my tree to see if they can figure out whether we connect.

Thank you Ancestry for providing these hints!

Monday, March 18, 2019

John Kennedy Deceased

Lincoln County Kentucky
Court Order Books 1781-1919

Vols. 1-2 1781-1786
FS Film 192253 - DGS 7763893

Image 227