Have you used the new
Ancestry DNA match filters? Thanks to these new filters, I've been looking at my NEW matches who may share a common ancestor with me.
In the past, I would click on the match's tree to see if I could figure out how we connected. When the match's tree only has a few people, that becomes a challenge. Today, I tried clicking on the shaky leaf and discovered that Ancestry is doing some of the work for me.
Clicking on that shaky leaf opens a screen comparing our DNA that also suggests a common ancestor. This suggested common ancestor is based on shared matches.
At this point, this is just a clue. However, it is a clue that helps focus research to figure out how we are connected.
Since I have added descendants for many of my lines, I can sometimes figure out how we might connect. In this case, I haven't done enough forward research to have a clue how our lines connect. Either way, I can message the match with a link to that section of my tree to see if they can figure out whether we connect.
Thank you Ancestry for providing these hints!