Garrard County Kentucky
Deed Book A
page 690 - 691
This Indenture made this 21st day of January 1803
between Richard Cave & Elizabeth his wife of the county of Woodford and Common
wealth of Kentucky of the one part and Feathergill Adams
of the county of Garrard and State aforesaid of the other
part witnesseth that the said Richard Cave and Eliza
beth his wife for and in consideration of the sum of one
hundred pounds current money of the Commonwealth
of Kentucky to them in hand paid by the said Feather
Gill Adams, the receipt where of they do hereby acknowledge
and they themselfes fully satisfyed an content therewith
and for themselves and their heirs de freely clearly and
absolutely bargain and sell unto the aforesaid Feathergill
Adams and unto his heirs and assigns forever, one
certain tract dividend or parcel of land containing by