Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Tenants in Common

I'm trying to use deeds to help separate information for two James Crawfords who resided in Preble County Ohio at the same time. They both owned parts of section 14, Township 7 North, Range 2 East.

As discussed in my post, James Crawford of Preble County, I use the selling of the land to figure out which James Crawford owned the land. I also use their wife's name to help me keep them straight. James and Sally are my ancestors while James and Martha may or may not be related.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Little Clues

Do you ever go back to a source you've likely used before and discover a very tiny tidbit of information that changes one of your assumptions about an ancestor. Well, I did last night. I was browsing the Internet for Madison County, Kentucky resources while watching the webinar, Trails of Daniel Boone and Other Western Travelers by J. Mark Lowe.

I came across the book, Glimpses of Historic Madison County, Kentucky on Internet Archive. When I searched the contents of the book for Crawford, I found a paragraph about Rev. James Crawford.

Monday, January 21, 2019

Photo Lineage

This week's #SaturdayNightGenealogyFun Challenge involves family photos.

How many generations do you have photographs or portraits of your ancestors and descendants? It can be any just can't be broken!

When thinking about this, I realized that I have several generations of photos on my Crawford line.

Nelson G. Crawford (1808-1864)

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Facebook Group Changes

Do you belong to a Facebook group? Perhaps you’ve seen a post (or two or more) about getting ‘removed’ from the group if you don’t participate? I started seeing these posts yesterday and was concerned, not only about all the genealogy groups I belong to, but also about the family groups I administer.

Since I was unsure what this meant as a group administrator, I did some research. The following articles helped me understand what is happening.

 I then turned to Facebook to see if I could figure out how this is affecting the family groups I administer. The first thing I saw when I went to one of those groups was an announcement from Facebook, “Changes to Your Members List.”

Saturday, January 19, 2019

James Crawford of Preble County

One of my brick walls is also one of my same name challenges. In her Jan. 16, 2019 podcast, Can You Identify Your Ancestor, Amy Johnson Crowe talks about finding information to make sure one is tracking the right person.

I've used most of her tips in my research, but I have one case where almost all of the details are the same.

James CrawfordJames Crawford
Residence 1820Preble County OHPreble County OH
Marriage Year17931799
Marriage PlaceLincoln County KYGarrard County KY
Wife's nameMarthaSally

The easiest way for me to distinguish these two men (and several other James Crawford) is by their wife's name. Since the wife's name often appears on a deed where land has been sold, I have used land records to help separate these two families.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Pauline E. Briles

Emporia Gazette
Wednesday, July 18, 1984
page 2 column 4-5

Film E1506

KS State Historical Society