In the process of that planning, I've written several goals in my genealogy journal. Knowing that I need specific goals that I can check off (i.e. SMART goals), I have broken them down into smaller steps. Below are some of my broader goals:
- Get my tree indexed on Ancestry!
- Reduce number of shaky leaves on Ancestry
- Use RootsMagic's link to FamilySearch to add sources for my direct line ancestors
- Connect with cousins on Facebook by sharing family photos
- Blog about my ancestors
- SCAN -- I still have some photo albums to scan
- Clean up files (sadly I have duplicates of some photos and others that need re-scanned)
- DNA -- update my spreadsheet of matches
- Finish doing visual phasing with my brother's DNA results and then hopefully add a cousin or two
- Attend a genealogy conference
- Participate in genealogy study groups and round-tables